Monday, November 8, 2010


I have so many things to be thankful for. I feel so blessed, and so lucky! Do you ever have those moments when everything just feels perfect? Like it couldn't get any better than this?

I am so thankful for my beautiful children. I am so thankful that they still like me, and want to play with me! I am so thankful for Shawn, and that he still loves me. I am so thankful for my home, that its warm and comfortable, and that it truly is where the heart is. I am so thankful for every new day that I get a new chance to be better, and try again.

I am so thankful for my start off the giving season I had a few friends over to make these banners. It was so fun! I love any excuse for a party! Check out some of the pics, courtesy of Jamie, here.


JaMie HeApS said...

loved the day, so glad i gots to come, we need to play more often:)

amb said...

so so cute, ashley! way cuter than mine, in fact! i KNEW it! next time you'll just have to give me more warning when you're having a crafty party! i'm there!!