Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Tribute to the Corbridge's

This is a picture of our good friends. They lived down the street from us...before we moved. They have been in arizona just since september. We instantly became friends...Mostly because they didn't have cable, and they wanted to watch conference. Or maybe because they share our passion for boating. Whatever the reason, we love them. We loved going to the park, and going for walks in the middle of the day when we couldn't stand being cooped up in the house...rain or shine, it didn't matter. Anyways they have already moved on...back to Sacramento to be exact, on to greener pastures (literally). I'm not sure who Shawn will miss more? Eric or Hadley (Hadley is their youngest, 1yr old), he wanted to keep Hadley, but I told him they might miss him. I don't know, is 20k still the going offer Eric? We love you guys and hope you find peace in sunny california, we will always miss you... I don't know maybe we can meet up in San Francisco one of these days. Are you up for it??
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