Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sr. Brown Belt

Ethan did an amazing job on his Tae Kwon Do test Saturday. He studied so hard on his Poom Se, kicks, and questions. He even had to sparr and break a board, it took a couple tries but after everyone cheered him on he snapped the board in half. They will have the belt ceremony on Tuesday where they will put his new belt on him. The next belt that he is now working for is red. Ethan really enjoys his classes, and he has made some nice friends. He is making great improvements as he gets more into it. We can see the difference it has made already. It really boosts his self esteem when he feels like he does a good job, and it has taught him to work harder when it gets tough and to not give up. His questions that he had to have memorized had a lot of really hard words, but the one that I know he'll remember is ambitition, because Ethan does have ambition. He has set a goal to get his black belt and he is working so hard to get it. I am so proud of him.
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1 comment:

Burk Family said...

YAY! I'm so excited you have a blog now. Isn't it fun? We miss you guys being here. When are you visiting next??
That is great that Ethan is so dedicated to his Tae Kwon Do. Carter would love that. Maybe we'll have to see about some classes.