Monday, February 11, 2008

Quality Time

I had so much fun with my Maddie, Becca, and Xander. I brought them home with me after Amberly's bridal shower, since I was coming right back in 4 days. It was a blast...well at least I had a blast. I hope you guys did too. Maddie rocked out on guitar hero (and beat Shawn, don't rub it in though, he's sore about it...but sorry Maddie he has been practicing...He had to beat and surpass your scores). We ate doughnuts, which were the best I've ever had. They took turns going down our steep driveway on this plasma car (in the picture), which kinda scared me...I am not going to lie, I feared for their life. Xander and Hayden took a couple of baths, and tried filling my whole bathroom with the water, which they almost suceeded. I loved listening to the four younger ones in their bed at night, they just talked, and enjoyed each others company. They insisted on sleeping all together on the floor, so they could be right next to each other. They really do love each other. I am already looking forward to having them come out again. I love you guys, so much.
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