Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On the move

Payson thinking..."Can I grab it? Is she looking?"
Payson has several words that he signs. My favorite is this one that I've (sorta) captured in this picture. Its thank you, combined with a kiss. Which I am guessing loosely translates to "Thank you SO much"!
There is no holding this boy back. All of a sudden he is up and going. Its been a while since I had to be careful about not leaving a cup or a bowl to close to the edge of the table, but you remember it all real quick when you have a little guy reaching for everything! It is so exciting to watch him become so mobile, no more crawling around everywhere. Pulling himself up and walking the furniture is Payson's preferred mode of traveling.
For those of you that I've recently caught up with Payson is my little buddy! I have been taking care of Payson for the last two years. He is just one of my boys now. Payson is such a joy, he is always all smiles. He loves to be part of whatever is happening. When someone is laughing, he loves to cover his mouth and throw his head back laughing too. Its the sweetest. And we are looking forward to the summer when his two sisters will be joining us as well! It will be a little crazy with five kids, but the kids all love each other. And a little crazy, when its in the name of good clean fun, is good for you. Right? Did I mention there will be five kids? Gulp! Jk, I love my five kids tons, or else I wouldn't be doing it.! SMACK, right back at ya Payson! Thank you so much!
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Julee said...

What a QT!!! lol I love the thank you kiss!!!

nikki said...

I was totally noticing that about Payson too the other day - just totally on the move! He has the best grins.

Good luck this summer, lol! Seriously, call me and I'll help you go swim.

Jer and Cam said...

I subbed in Nursery for a few weeks and had so much fun with Payson. It's incredible all that he can do!

I know Heidi adores you and always speaks volumes of you! They are so lucky to have you in their life!!!

Sarah said...

Wow I had no idea he was starting to walk. That is so exciting!

I'm excited for the summer movies!