Wednesday, March 4, 2009


In Ethan's class they have been studying the Sonoran desert in preparation for a field trip to the Botanical Garden (which BTW, is gorgeous, if you've never been I highly recommend it, but only go when the Monarch butterflies are there!) So anyway one of the things he learned about were gecko's, and now he is gaga for gecko's? Why? Because they are chameleons, and super cool of course! So he has been begging to make a shirt with a gecko on it. Shawn said I should buy a gecko brand shirt, but that's no fun.
Now I am all about letting kids do a project however they want, its not the finished product that matters its the process, right? But when it comes to wearing that project out... in public, well that's a different story. So when I saw this project I thought it would be perfect. You use freezer paper as a stencil, so cool right? All you do is cut out your design with an exacto knife, then iron the paper, wax side down, on the shirt. Then let the kids go crazy. We just used puffy paint, and a brush. Then you just peel the paper off. That easy, and they were quite proud of their creations!


Unknown said...

Ash you are so cool. Really. You are such an amazing person.

Melissa Coonce, CEO said...

i agree, you are the coolest mom on the block. You get the Kool-Aid Award!! How daring to let them paint themselves..Are you sure that those cool looking BIG boys are really ethan and haden...i remember them being much how time flies..

Julee said...

You really the the coolest mom!!! You are always doing the funnest things with your kids!!! I think the shirts turned out sooooooo cute!!!!

RyanJohnsonFamily said...

You are so creative...and you let your kids be too. I need to do more crafty things with my kiddos. Sometimes I get too overwhelmed with the mess that comes after to let them be too "creative." Way to go!
P.S. of course you can addd my blog to you rlist. Its so fun to be back in touch a little bit.

Kelly said...

Hi Ashley!! of course it was okay that you checked out my blog from Johanna's. I am so glad you did. It it good to be back in touch with you. I have thought about you a lot over the years. I can't believe you guys live in Arizona. How do you like it? I have family there and have always like it there. Your boys are adorable! I love that you are still as crafty and creative as ever!