Friday, March 27, 2009

My two favorite things

Okay, so I have a lot of favorite things, obviously, but right there at the top of my list is my BFF Cara, and the farmers market on Saturday mornings. I mean can you blame me when they both come with such sweet little delights, and the guarantee of a good time, no matter what. Rain or shine!
We met Cara over at the street market, and did little taste testing, and a little shopping. I got the yummiest crepe, ever. And then we let the kids play at the park. So fun, I love ya Cara!
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Cara said...

Okay so I have had a broken computer for like two whole weeks. (How am I surviving? I have no idea!!! It is truly terrible. Okay well anyway I guess I will live through it.)
So I finally get to get on the internet and what do I find... You are the best Ash! Oh and by the way we are already on our way to the AZ.

Julee said...

How fun!! I've never really been to a farmers market!!