Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The birds and the bees

My Ethan is going to have a birthday next week, can you believe he is already 9? I can't. It makes me sad that he's not my little boy anymore. No matter how hard I try to keep him young and innocent, and naive, I cant stop him from growing up, and naturally becoming interested, or curious about things. Heaven knows I try! Lately I've been feeling the urgency to talk to him about "stuff". You know there are so many things out there, and most of his friends are a year or so older, and I just worry about him getting half the story, or some totally bogus story about "things". And I am not talking just about the birds and the bees, I am talking about all those things that you want to shelter your child from. I heard the other day that boys as young as 6 are becoming exposed to pornographic images. I mean hello how easy is it to stumble across something that you didn't want to see while browsing for something online? Ethan is such a pro on the computer, way better than me, so we have had to lay down some rules concerning the Internet. But ugh, how do I bring something up with him, that he's never heard about, with out planting that seed of curiosity? When we talked about the computer I just very lightly brushed the topic, with out making it a big deal or alarming him about it. I think it was a success (mostly because the conversation ended with me telling him no computer, EVER. JK, I felt like it though.)
Then yesterday I was talking to a friend, and she was telling me that she was getting ready to have the talk with her son, because he just turned 8. I totally started hyperventilating, and said to her I am supposed to have "the talk" with Ethan...like now. And she says well that's what they say, that now is the time. First off, I want to know who THEY is, I mean please. No thanks. I knew it was coming, but certainly not this year for crying out loud.
So needless to say I am a little freaked out. I don't think I slept at all last night, I was just tossing and turning all night. I have never in my life considered home school as an option, but yesterday, I was rethinking it.
So any advice? Have you had the talk yet??
*Note: I thought I'd add that he's not interested, or curious (that I know of??) about any of these things.-except he does like to sleep with no shirt...he thinks its manly???!


Melissa Coonce, CEO said...

isn't that the moment when you think, when did i become the one in charge? well steven and i had the "talk" about a year ago..i just let him lead the conversation..like what do you think that means? or what have you heard about that? nothing too detailed, but i did use the scientific terms to help me get thru explaining the technical things. i was surprised he did and didn't know more..it will go great..one thing is that i would have shawn there, he might open up more to dad instead of mom..however it was just me and steven and we did fine..good luck!

Unknown said...

We did this with Tyler a little over a year ago. He was coming home with questions and strange information from school. Also we were just starting to try for Eric, so figured that would bring up more. So your timing in just like his.

Jason did research on the Church website and found several helpful materials, they even have a lesson plan all set up. made it easy. Plus we got a book that covered the basics with pictures. Then we (the dad should be involved) followed the lesson plan, used the book for visual and then just answered his questions.

My favorite questions were..

Do you lock your door when you procreate?
So the Woolfendens have procreated five times, right?

Unknown said...

Just do a search on lds.org for sex. There is tons of materials to help. the book we used we borrowed from the Hoyts, but I am sure you can find something at the library.

Lynnette said...

We just had the talk with Andrew also. Greg actually did the talking, but since then he has asked lots of questions to both of us. It's a little daunting, I know. But, Jordan already comes home from school telling us of awful things that he has heard at school in the 4th grade. They seem so young!! You definitely want him hearing it from you, and able to feel comfortable coming to you with questions. If only we could shelter them from all of those awful things! Unfortunately, in today's world, I think that is pretty unlikely. Good luck!!

RyanJohnsonFamily said...

Wow! I am so glad I have a few years until I have to tackle this issue for my kiddos. Good Luck and let us all know if you have any great ideas!

Kayli said...

i'm with you ashley! i am so terrified! but, from the sounds of it, i should probably get with the program. thanks for the great tips ashley's friends ;) the church website and just letting the child lead the conversation, having the dad there for sure withe son, and realizing it may be time since he is 10 and in 4th grade. i do want to get to it sooner that later because i don't want my kids to think of sex as bad and as a way to 'rebel' as a teen ir whatever. i want them to know that it's a wonderful, good thing, but only at the right time in your life, when you are ready emotionally and with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
thanks for bringing it up ash!!