Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break

Hayden admiring Radley, but is Radley admiring him? Well he's not crying. I was surprised at how much Hayden wanted to hold him, he loves his new cousin.
The best yogurt place: White Lime. So YUM. If you have never been its this self serve yogurt place. They have like 8 yogurts to choose from, and a billion toppings. When your eating your favorite yogurt, with peanut butter cups, life never looked better!
After yogurt we went to the mall, & did a little browsing. I talked Danny into letting me window shop at Williams Sonoma, and Pottery Barn. I still cant believe our once small mall, has pretty much everything now. Not to mention the traffic that goes with it, YUCK!
We went to the movies. Here we are having our tail gate party. We are so fun, we cant help it. Do they have this much fun with out me? I hope not, it makes me a little sad that I miss out on the little things they do together on a regular basis.
For Ethan's spring break (why oh why is it so early?) we went to Ca. I've been dying to meet my new nephew Radley, so we headed straight to Aunt Amberly's. I was hoping to help her out, but shes got it all together. I wake up Thursday morning to find her all dressed (totally cute I might add, with cute pointy shoes and everything) making pancakes, and getting Ethan Thomas all ready for school. Hello, I think she has it more together then me. Jeesh. After I had my kids I milked it for all it was worth, sweat pants, no make up, frozen food. "What you need lunch for school, ugh, here is 2 bucks". Someday I will be super MOM. Thanks for letting us stay Amb, I had such a great time with you. Thanks for letting me give Radley a bath, and letting me the 1st babysitter!
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1 comment:

Kayli said...

so you were in town for spring break it looks like and i left. looks like you had fun with the fam! isn't it nice having sisters and mom now that we are adults?