Sunday, December 7, 2008

The red nose reindeer

Remember when puffy paint was so cool? Or maybe that was just me that thought it was cool, its a possibility! Anyhow, I thought I'd resurrect one of my favorite painting mediums and make these shirts for Hayden's preschool class friends. They are super cheap, like maybe $1.30 per shirt? But if you wanted to make them a little nicer I'd suggest buying a heavier weight shirt, cause these ones were just under shirts, and are pretty see through. But they make cute jammie shirts. What kid doesn't want to wear their own hand print red nose reindeer!
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Sarah said...

What a fun craft idea! I totally remember making stuff with puffy paint.

Cortney Clegg said...

hahaha! Puffy Paint!- Wow, it HAS been a long time since I used that stuff. VERY cute shirts...I might have to make Asher a little Christmas reindeer onesie.

Cara said...

I have one of those from Bryce's first Christmas, they are so cute. But what I am wondering is how did you get everyone's hand and foot prints for the shirts?

Ashley Elizabeth said...

Preschool was at my house last week. So they each got to take a turn, while the others had free play.

nikki said...

Really cute idea! How come you're so awesome?