Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Gingerbread houses with friends! Graham crackers, frosting, red hots, m&m's oh my! It was a little messy, but oh so fun!
A Christmas celebration a few days early! With my Mom, and step Dad.
Christmas day with Shawn's parents!
This was one of the best holidays ever. It was everything you could ever ask for from a holiday. We had a great time visiting with my family. My Mom and I baked up a storm, it was so fun and delicious! We just relaxed, we went to the movies, and even did a little shopping. They took the kids Saturday so Shawn and I could go out for our Anniversary! Then on Christmas Eve Shawn's parents came. We had a great dinner, and set out cookies for Santa! Christmas morning Grandma played Santa and handed out the presents. The kids got everything they asked for...and so much more! We had a very yummy pull apart cake for breakfast! After relaxing for a while Shawn talked Poppa into helping him set up the the mud, in the rain! I was expecting it to be really bad, but they didn't have a single problem putting it together! The kids love it, they had fun jumping on it in the rain! Poppa is the BEST! For Christmas dinner Shawn's two step brothers came over. And Jamie was there just in time to help with all the last minute preparations for dinner (thank you, you saved me)! And Grandma made the ham! We had a little Christmas message that everyone took a hand in. The next day, Candy and I went shopping the sales, we went everywhere, and found some great stuff! While the boys all went boat shopping! Then the best present: they took the boys home with them!! It was so quiet when they left, I loved it! We are going to meet them at a spot in Ca where we will go dirt biking for the New Year's holiday! I cant wait!
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1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm so jealous of your trampoline!! I want one so much, but it really won't fit any where in our yard. I grew up with one, and they are so fun!