Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Playing, Living, Loving, Laughing

We were siting at the table taking a break, trying to talk Ethan into letting us take out the GINORMOUS splinter in his foot. But alas, there is no negotiating with Ethan.
Don't be fooled, these two aren't hugging. They had wrestled each other to the ground (with Ethan at their feet stealing their shoes!). No JK, they are sisters, and apparently they get along in spite of that. JK. They have a four year difference, and they truly love each other. Aren't they beautiful? What can I say they have great genes! Becca looks up to her sister, and tries to be like her. I hope my boys will get along better when they are a little older, like these two. Mine wrestle, but not with smiles on their faces!- Maybe there is still hope!
Walking back to the car, after being there for like four hours. -And they weren't even done yet. It was such a perfect day.
Go Xander Go! REACH!!
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