Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My story teller

Just in the last couple of weeks Hayden has turned into a chatter box. He talks (and talks and talks) from the second he wakes up until he lays his head on the pillow at night. He mostly likes to tell stories, crazy stories; like spiders and snakes battling in the dishwasher, and getting sliced on the knives- that was tonight's story. And bad guys and monsters, and ARE THEY REAL?, that's always the big question, no matter how many times I tell them "there are no monsters" he doesn't believe me. His stories usually involve blood and sadly someone usually dies. His stories aren't dramatic or overly sad, I don't want to alarm any one, sometimes they are just silly. But I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff?? He doesn't even watch TV, so I cant blame it on that. Whenever I ask him where he heard that, he always tells me his friend told him. So maybe I can blame them. JK. I am pretty sure he just comes up with it on his own. He just has a really big imagination. He is very interested in death. He is always asking me why I am killing bugs and spiders that I find in the house, and when the bug guy comes he is very concerned about the bugs. He says I am killing God's creatures. ??? Then last week there was a dead bird on the sidewalk, he almost started crying. He wanted to pick it up and bring it back to life. A while back I rented the March of the Penguins for him. Hayden LOVES PENGUINS, every time he sees a stuffed animal or book about penguins or whatever, he has to have it. So I thought he'd enjoy it. -I didn't know it was going to be so sad. He cried at the end when the parent penguins left the babies, (although I am not sure he really understood what was going on?) then he had to watch it again. If you know Hayden, you know he can't sit still for anything, and he sat and watched the movie twice....and he hasn't sat still since. Maybe it's because he's so sensitive that he's telling all these stories, he's just trying to make sense of it all.
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Cortney Clegg said...

What a deep, sensitive little guy! And so handsome too! My sis-in-law is very anti-guns, and so when her son was born she banned all gun/weapon toys and any TV show or book that mentioned them. By the time the kid was 2, he was fashioning guns out of paper or even toast. Who knows where kids come up with their stories and games?!

nikki said...

I agree with what Cortney said - who knows where they come up with this stuff?! For sure, little boys brains are very interesting places - I know from experience!! :) Hayden is adorableness!

Kel said...

Hi Ashley! I came across your blog from Hayley's blog. Your boys are getting so big! And they are so dang cute! Colby likes to tell crazy stories too. I don't know how little boys come up with the stuff that they do. It amazes me! Hope you are doing good! -Kellee Packham

Richard said...

hi asher: great photo, great blog. what a cool kid hayden is becoming. isn't it just fascinating how you give the same environment to both the boys, yet they are still just as individual as if..., well, as if they were fully formed characters before they were entrusted to you. it never ceases to amaze me. we have them under our wings for so little time.

has he seen all the different penguin animations? what was the one with the big kahuna and the surfer penguin? that was my favorite. you and shawn are doing a great job. love you, papa rick

Unknown said...

Ash I LOVE your quotes! Can I copy you please? I would love to add something like this to my blog. This one about little boys needs to be framed and hung on a wall. I can wait to see your little frog finders!