Monday, September 22, 2008


Don't I look so cute! Uggg, couldn't the shirt be a little cuter, I wonder if I am allowed to embellish it? JK. So I've recently been called to be a scout leader for Ethan's scouting group, the wolves den! Yea I am so excited. Ethan wasn't going to any of the scouting stuff before because he has tae kwon do the same day. But now that I am part of the group we changed it, one of the perks of being a leader! We have a great group of 7 boys. They are all so excited to be a part of the program and are eager to pass off all their goals...and theres a lot of them so hopefully their eagerness will last through to the end of the program (till their like 18, yikes!) But we have some really fun activities planned for them, and we are already talking about the scout camp for next summer!
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Burk Family said...

Okay, first of all, you look too cute in your shirt. Second of all, don't EVER post something so sad (I just watched the baby Mac thing) again!!! I'm normally such a tuff girl and I was totally crying and had to turn it off so I could save my makeup. It was so sad!! We are blessed, though, and I'm grateful for the reminder.

nikki said...

I think you're the cutest scout leader ever. Jake is lucky to have you! Scouts is so fun!

Richard said...

TOO CUTE! Ashley, you rock! Ethan and the others are so lucky to have you. you sound so enthusiastic, and that's what it takes to keep 14 active hands busy. maybe uncle Kevin has some suggestions -i know he'd be really proud of you carrying on the family tradition of scouting.

Our Little Family said...

I just love the yellow shirts, guess they are better than the brown ones, though!! Ethan will love having you as his leader, it is so much fun!!

Julee said...

You look too cute Ashley!!! I bet all of the boys just love you!!