Friday, July 25, 2008


Here are two things that typifies Arizona. Number one being scorpions. And yes that scorpion was in my bathroom. This makes #2, in the house. I am guessing if I've seen 2 there are probably more. Yikes. Lets not think about that. The second thing, is one of the things I like best about Arizona. The monsoons. This sunset picture is from tonight, isn't it gorgeous? I was getting ready to put the kids in bed when I peaked outside. It was really windy and those beautiful pink clouds were calling our names. So we went outside to enjoy the cool weather(however brief it may be) and ride bikes. You can't see the lightning, but it was amazing, it lit up the whole sky. We've been having lightning every night for the past week, and I love it.
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Cortney Clegg said...

I hate scorpions- they totally freak me out. Nate and I found a female brown recluse in our downstairs bathroon. Yikes!! By the way- I always read your blog entries, but I am really bad about leaving comments...I promise to be better. :) haha!

nikki said...

Gorgeous sky, scorpion not so much. I do love those Arizona skies and monsoon too! We have only had 2 scorpions in the almost 5 years we've been here so you never know!

Unknown said...

Freaky ash! I am amazed at how calm you are being about having a scorpion in your house!! You hate bugs! Did YOU dispose of the nasty thing?

Richard said...

Amazing sunset, creepy scorpion. (interesting, i was just listening to an interview with the rock group of the same name, and how they wrote the song, "The Winds of Change" as the Berlin Wall was coming down.) Anyway, I agree with Tare -how are you not freaked out? Do you still have monthly pest control service. And the Cleggs had a brown recluse??? So, when are you guys coming back home?

Ashley Elizabeth said...

Just for the record (because I was proud of myself) I did kill the first one, but then asked Shawn to do the second. He was a little freaked out by it and droped it, which freaked me out. So the next one, I will have to roll up my sleeves and do it myself. Some times you just gotta do it yourself!!

Julee said...

Don't you just love Arizona sunsets!!?? I could sit out and watch them and the lighting and thunder storms every day!! AWE about the scorpions...I always have nightmares about huge ones coming to get me!! lol