Tuesday, July 1, 2008

San Clemente Beach

My mom gave the kids these cool cages for pets or whatever? ( I wasn't that thrilled about it, but of course the kids loved them). They took them down to the beach and collected sand crabs, yuck.
Hayden playing in the sand, or looking for crabs, I am not really sure. Long gone are the days of when he was scared of the water. Yup, he ran right for the water, and only came out for brief moments. He actually liked being tossed around in the waves, giving his Mommy a heart attack.
This is Xander, he is hillarious. He was kind of a quiet kid most of the time, except for his occasional reminder to my Mom and I to focus, I think on getting ready for the beach? Someone accidentally bumped him, and so he falls to the ground like he's dead, he actually held this stone face for a few minutes. Not at all dramatic (like his Mommy)!
The boys: their nick names are Xilla, or Xander Man, or his super hero name is Xandor, (the x is pronounced like a z) I'm telling you this kid is hilarious, I forsee many trips to the principals office in the future. JK, he is a good boy, just a character. And Hayden's nick name is Monster Man. These two are best buds, and lots of trouble.

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