Monday, July 21, 2008

Anybody out there?

Hey there! I've decided since no one actually reads these postings that I will continue on, but now its just going to be whatever is on my mind. (I just want to scare off the last few fans that I may actually have. Dad I know you are faithful, and Hayley I love ya, Jarrod are you still with me?).
Okay so here it goes. We have all been sick these last couple weeks. We just cant seem to get better, Hayden officially likes medicine now; maybe I've given it to him too many times. What?? I need my sleep. He actually begs for it, and will even fake a cough to get it. Hayden wakes up this morning with all kinds of ooze pouring out of his eyeballs, its awesome I love pink eye. So I immediately call his pediatrician, and throw all five of the kids in the car rush down to get him on antibiotics before any of the other kids get it. I try so hard to keep the kids away from other sick kids, but then they just get something else, so whats the point, why bother. In addition to the pink eye, Hayden also has an ear infection. Blah. Blah.
I just finished this really good book called Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult. Its about this boy who has been bullied his whole life, and one day he goes to school and kills like 10 students. It is absolutely depressing, trust me. But I learned a few things while reading it. #1 I am never having any more kids. #2 No one else should be able to have any kids. Its the only way to stop this perpetual cycle of hate, and violence and pain-just stop the human population from multiplying. Done, no more people to hate. #3 I like depressing stories, why is that? #4 Its made me want to just hug my kids more, and talk to them more. I know that eventually they won't want to talk to me, but right now while they still think the world of me, I just want to hold on to them and never let go of them.
Another book that I've recently read is called the Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold. That story is about how unordinary the ordinary suburbs are(sort of). She is really great, her stories are, I think, really well written, as in the best. Her books are also really sad, and kind of dark. Not for the faint of heart. I am not sure what I will read next, maybe I'll go back to a book I started a long time ago, Blink, by Malcom Gladwell, and finish it.


Burk Family said...

Don't stop blogging! I check all the time for new posts (okay, every day...) Plus its a jook scrapbook for later on. I'm sorry you've all been so sick. I have had pinkeye like 15 times and I can't stand it. No makeup or's aweful.
I've heard of that 19 minutes book. I should check that out. I am currently not reading anything interesting (The Sugar Solution...I love diet and health books but rarely abide by the principles) so sorry I have no suggestions. Check out my friend Gina's blog- she has a "bookshelf" I trust and that might be some good ones for you. If you want to see a good depressing movie check out "The Other Boleyn Girl". I liked it.

nikki said...

Ooh good post! I love the book stuff. I too loved both those books so much and am so glad that I have a friend that shares the interest in the sorta dark side of things! Wasn't Nineteen Minutes so interesting? It really got me thinking about a lot of things. Well, I will keep commenting forever so don't worry about that. I've just taken a little commenting vacation! :)

Sorry about the sickness - ugh!

Richard said...

Ash-a-ley! No, don't stop blogging! I live for all three of your blogs (well, four I guess, with Maddie's musings).
Anyway, I also was soooo sorry to hear about your family illnesses. I myself have been plagued by this recurring cold all summer long. Not too bad to keep me from working, but bad enough to make life miserable. yuk!
I guess i wasn't aware of your propensity for reading. I think the recommendation for a "bookshelf" is a great idea.
New subject: see Batman, read Ammers blog and comments, and then we'll all have to have a rousing discussion. Great fun!

Unknown said...

Hey, even your son's scout leader reads your blog! Don't stop

Julee said...

Hey girl!!! Man you have had all of the sicknesses!!!!!!!!!!! You are making me want to read more!! I loved this post...I was cracking up!! lol You are the funnest person!!

Unknown said...

Ash- looks like your fans have spoken! Keep it coming! With it being the summer, I don’t know about anyone else but all schedules in our home have gone out the window, and most of my blogging time with it. The new school year will bring order back into our world.