Saturday, March 3, 2012


Libby found the boys paint! This entertained her for maybe 30 minutes. Almost worth the mess! Do you do that? Do a cost analysis for the length of entertainment verses the mess they are creating. For example allowing her to unroll a roll of toilet paper could potentially entertain her for 15 minutes, which will give me enough time to do the dishes that are piled up in the sink, or perhaps (and more likely!) read the last few pages in my book! Anyway back to painting....She was so happy. How can I deny her this simple joy! I loved her paintings. Quite the budding artist.


Cortney Clegg said...

haha! I totally know what you mean...sometimes, the mess they make is totally worth the time it occupies them. :)

Paige said...

Love that face! There is just something to her Ash!