Wednesday, February 15, 2012

our valentines day

 My valentines that I gave to my Sunday school class. And Libby wore her Queen of Hearts Valentines Day skirt to festive. To much? Maybe, but I love Vday.
We had a great heart filled valentines day. The boys brought their special treats to school for their parties, and were excited (more embarrassed) to see who their valentine would be. Hayden had several (wink! wink!). Just kidding, they are way to cool for girls still, but they won't hesitate to tell you that they both have admirers. For our special dinner we had Grandma and Max, her dog, over and we ate our usual heart shaped meatloaf and pink smashed potatoes, yummy. I decorated the table in red and candles, and added red foam lips to the straws (thanks to pinterest for the idea!). There was lots of love'n around here and I hope your house was too!


Sarah said...

Oh my goodenss I love it all!! And that skirt too much?! Nothing better! Happy Vday

JaMie HeApS said...

looks like the perfect day!!! the skirt SO CUTE!!! and im pumped about the new etsy shop :)