Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Flag Football

 Ethan making friends at his first practice. Go BaNanA SLuGs!
 Libby loves her Kitty. And her Binky.
 Hayden loves being a big brother, and playing with his 'lil sis.
 Shawn wanted to practice throwing a ball around with Hayden during Ethan's practice, but couldn't find a football. So the mean boys took an innocent little stuffed kitty from a certain little person.

Ethan and Hayden have both decided to do flag football this season. It is a first for both of them, but so far they are both loving it. I just love watching them interact with their friends, and figuring out a new game. They are both a little hesitant, and shy, but they don't let that stop them from trying new things, and that is what I love about them. They are so full of life that they just can't help but to have a good time doing everything...a good lesson for me. Libby is also loving all of this park time! She is the happiest when she is outside. Sometimes she wants to get on the field and play too! I think this will be a good season. Albeit a very busy one!

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