Friday, March 27, 2009
My two favorite things
Okay, so I have a lot of favorite things, obviously, but right there at the top of my list is my BFF Cara, and the farmers market on Saturday mornings. I mean can you blame me when they both come with such sweet little delights, and the guarantee of a good time, no matter what. Rain or shine!
We met Cara over at the street market, and did little taste testing, and a little shopping. I got the yummiest crepe, ever. And then we let the kids play at the park. So fun, I love ya Cara!
The After Party
All the grand kids on the Crosby side. Amb snuck the stroller in the back so Radley wouldn't be left out.
Na, we are not loving on each other, we are just trying to keep warm. It was FREEZING!
Is that bum with us? Oh how embarrassing. Jk, gotta love how prepared he always is. Can you see he has a pad, and blankets. So funny.Ethan's Birthday @ Rosa's
Ethan requested to do his Bday dinner at Rosa's. I know not very birthday'ish, but we already had the big bash so this was the family party. But we had cupcakes, and sang to him. Its so the best Mexican food. I know you guys have all heard me mention this a few times. But I cant help its so good!
Spring Break
Hayden admiring Radley, but is Radley admiring him? Well he's not crying. I was surprised at how much Hayden wanted to hold him, he loves his new cousin.
The best yogurt place: White Lime. So YUM. If you have never been its this self serve yogurt place. They have like 8 yogurts to choose from, and a billion toppings. When your eating your favorite yogurt, with peanut butter cups, life never looked better!
After yogurt we went to the mall, & did a little browsing. I talked Danny into letting me window shop at Williams Sonoma, and Pottery Barn. I still cant believe our once small mall, has pretty much everything now. Not to mention the traffic that goes with it, YUCK!
The best yogurt place: White Lime. So YUM. If you have never been its this self serve yogurt place. They have like 8 yogurts to choose from, and a billion toppings. When your eating your favorite yogurt, with peanut butter cups, life never looked better!
After yogurt we went to the mall, & did a little browsing. I talked Danny into letting me window shop at Williams Sonoma, and Pottery Barn. I still cant believe our once small mall, has pretty much everything now. Not to mention the traffic that goes with it, YUCK!
We went to the movies. Here we are having our tail gate party. We are so fun, we cant help it. Do they have this much fun with out me? I hope not, it makes me a little sad that I miss out on the little things they do together on a regular basis.
For Ethan's spring break (why oh why is it so early?) we went to Ca. I've been dying to meet my new nephew Radley, so we headed straight to Aunt Amberly's. I was hoping to help her out, but shes got it all together. I wake up Thursday morning to find her all dressed (totally cute I might add, with cute pointy shoes and everything) making pancakes, and getting Ethan Thomas all ready for school. Hello, I think she has it more together then me. Jeesh. After I had my kids I milked it for all it was worth, sweat pants, no make up, frozen food. "What you need lunch for school, ugh, here is 2 bucks". Someday I will be super MOM. Thanks for letting us stay Amb, I had such a great time with you. Thanks for letting me give Radley a bath, and letting me the 1st babysitter!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
6th picture
Alright, I was tagged by my friend to share the 6th picture in my pictures file. Luckily, its a cute picture. This picture was taken after my graduation from UoP in the summer of 2006, I think. This is one of those times that it feels like it was just yesterday, but at the same time like a million years ago. Doesn't Ethan look so small? Hayden was at home with Grandma because I knew it was going to be a really long ceremony, that he probably would have a hard time sitting through. -I wanted Ethan there because this was a really big deal, and I wanted him to see how important school is, and hopefully he will always remember this occasion.
So now I tag Kayli to share a picture. The rules: Go to documents/ pictures, click on 6th file, 6th picture, and blog about it.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Nerf War
Armed and dangerous!
More bakugan. Jeesh. Ethan was thrilled, he loves these things!?
For Ethan's party this year we went with an army theme, and had a Nerf gun war. It was so fun, a little crazy. But that's what boys like right? To run around and shoot things. I dunno my boys do! We had about 14 boys (what was I thinking?) but Ethan had a good time, and felt special, and that's all I care about.
Shoot 'em up!
The boys carrying the bases up to the park.
Getting ready to play Shawn's nerf gun version of capture the flag!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The birds and the bees
My Ethan is going to have a birthday next week, can you believe he is already 9? I can't. It makes me sad that he's not my little boy anymore. No matter how hard I try to keep him young and innocent, and naive, I cant stop him from growing up, and naturally becoming interested, or curious about things. Heaven knows I try! Lately I've been feeling the urgency to talk to him about "stuff". You know there are so many things out there, and most of his friends are a year or so older, and I just worry about him getting half the story, or some totally bogus story about "things". And I am not talking just about the birds and the bees, I am talking about all those things that you want to shelter your child from. I heard the other day that boys as young as 6 are becoming exposed to pornographic images. I mean hello how easy is it to stumble across something that you didn't want to see while browsing for something online? Ethan is such a pro on the computer, way better than me, so we have had to lay down some rules concerning the Internet. But ugh, how do I bring something up with him, that he's never heard about, with out planting that seed of curiosity? When we talked about the computer I just very lightly brushed the topic, with out making it a big deal or alarming him about it. I think it was a success (mostly because the conversation ended with me telling him no computer, EVER. JK, I felt like it though.)
Then yesterday I was talking to a friend, and she was telling me that she was getting ready to have the talk with her son, because he just turned 8. I totally started hyperventilating, and said to her I am supposed to have "the talk" with now. And she says well that's what they say, that now is the time. First off, I want to know who THEY is, I mean please. No thanks. I knew it was coming, but certainly not this year for crying out loud.
So needless to say I am a little freaked out. I don't think I slept at all last night, I was just tossing and turning all night. I have never in my life considered home school as an option, but yesterday, I was rethinking it.
So any advice? Have you had the talk yet??
*Note: I thought I'd add that he's not interested, or curious (that I know of??) about any of these things.-except he does like to sleep with no shirt...he thinks its manly???!
Then yesterday I was talking to a friend, and she was telling me that she was getting ready to have the talk with her son, because he just turned 8. I totally started hyperventilating, and said to her I am supposed to have "the talk" with now. And she says well that's what they say, that now is the time. First off, I want to know who THEY is, I mean please. No thanks. I knew it was coming, but certainly not this year for crying out loud.
So needless to say I am a little freaked out. I don't think I slept at all last night, I was just tossing and turning all night. I have never in my life considered home school as an option, but yesterday, I was rethinking it.
So any advice? Have you had the talk yet??
*Note: I thought I'd add that he's not interested, or curious (that I know of??) about any of these things.-except he does like to sleep with no shirt...he thinks its manly???!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Now I am all about letting kids do a project however they want, its not the finished product that matters its the process, right? But when it comes to wearing that project out... in public, well that's a different story. So when I saw this project I thought it would be perfect. You use freezer paper as a stencil, so cool right? All you do is cut out your design with an exacto knife, then iron the paper, wax side down, on the shirt. Then let the kids go crazy. We just used puffy paint, and a brush. Then you just peel the paper off. That easy, and they were quite proud of their creations!
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