Friday, November 14, 2008


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Its just laid back, everyone is happy, there isn't that same pressure to make everything perfect, anything you do is just meant to be fun. I love being able to see all my neighbors, well usually meet the neighbors, because this pretty much is the only time people actually come out of their house to say hi. Our neighborhood did a huge block party. I organized the mummy game, and helped with the pumpkin bowling game. There was a big barbecue, jolly jumps, a haunted house, pumpkin contest, and a ton of other stuff. It was so great. The kids got to run around and play with all their friends.
So you cant really tell what Ethan is, he is a stick figure, you can see it better when its dark, because those are glow sticks sewed to his clothes. I had to do it right before we went out because I had to activate the glow sticks in order to get them on his clothes. It was such a pain, I will never do something that has to be made on Halloween because it was a little rushed trying to get everyone fed, and the luminaries all lit on the walkway, and everything. So I went out and bought the boys their costumes for next year! At half off! That's one less thing to worry about. (And I do worry all year about what to make. But not this year!)


Julee said...

Oh I love the stick figure costume that you were telling me about!!! you are such a seamstress!!! How cute!!!! What a fun halloween!!!

Sarah said...

So fun!! I want to move to your neighborhood! Your costumes turned out so cute, and good thinking to buy early for next year!

Lynnette said...

Are those my boys all wrapped in toilet paper? Oh, if we could keep them wrapped up all the time! We're so glad that you live out here! Our kids had fun trick or treating with yours!

nikki said...

What a fun Halloween neighborhood get together! I had been wanting to hear about it. I don't know - this year's costumes look pretty awesome! Don't you think it was worth the stress? :)