Sunday, June 1, 2008

Swimming it up!

Bryce and Hayden taking a break, eating a snack.
Halle, I love your bathing suit. Best looking girl at the park!
Bryce working on his tan. Bryce loved the pool, he made a mad dash for the slide right when we got there. He even jumped off the diving board like 5 times! Go Bryce! He and Hayden were like little fish. We even went back to the pool later in the day with the Dad's. They wanted to play too! And Cara and I got to play on the water slides too. So fun.
My very best friend from high school, Cara, came out to visit on Wednesday. We were so excited to catch up. I envisioned us staying up late talking, swapping stories, like the good 'ol days. Maybe watch some chick flicks, I was also going to get a babysitter so we could go shopping at my favorite mall. Such great plans, right?
But two hours after she got here her daughter needed to be taken to the hospital. We were both surprised when they said they wanted her to stay the night so they could observe her. 24 hours later they finally figured out what was causing her to be so sick. She had an infected muscle on her shoulder. She was so sick, and didn't move at all in her hospital bed for two whole days. But she was so brave, and was so good for the nurses and doctors. Her Daddy flew out to be with her Friday night. They let her go home on Saturday afternoon. And is looking much better. Even though we didn't get to hang out that much it was still fun to see her, and to get to know her darling children. I absolutely adore Halle, she was so fun to watch, I didn't want to share her with her Mommy when she came back to our house. We had a good time Saturday night, and stayed up way to late laughing so hard my sides hurt. I miss you guys, we have to keep in touch.
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amb said...

what a fun (albeit at times pretty scary, i imagine) weekend! that's so rad that you got to see cara again! her kids are so cute! i love redheads! ;)

Cara said...

You guys were so awesome. What a roller coaster ride. I feel so bad for Cara. She was looking forward to spending some good quality time with you and the boys.

But everything happens for a reason. And we made the best of it. Thanks for all of your help. It is such a blessing to have a friend like you that will step right up and take on 2 more kids for us. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Burk Family said...

Wow, you were busy yesterday! It was ncie catching up on all your recent stuff, though.
Still no plans for coming out so far. Gas is too stinking expensive. Maybe we'll just have to pack up in the Escort (yuck).
I love the boys' hair cuts. My mother in law cuts Carter's. Sometimes I wish she didn't so we'd get something different. I feel like I'd offend her if I took him somewhere, though. Plus, she's free, so that's nice. But they do look so handsome. Maybe we just need to go shorter.
That is so sad about your friend's little girl. I've never heard of an infected muscle. Crazy. When are you going to have a new one??

Cara said...

We had a lot of fun despite the whole hospital ordeal. I am so glad that we were able to catch up as much as we did. You guys are so much fun and I think that AZ would have been a hoot too, if not for that stinkin infection.

Ella is so much better too. She is so full of it that I am almost forgetting that I ever felt sorry for her.

We will just have to come and visit again soon. Woohoo!! Thanks again for all your help and for taking such great care of Bryce and Halle. Love Cara

nikki said...

Yay for the pool! You did awesome bringing all those cute kiddos and then I saw you again yesterday with more cute kiddos. Impressive! I feel bad that I saw you but we didn't hang out. My kids were all over the place! And yes, Jake has 6 nasty blisters!Glad your visit with your friends turned out okay - hopefully, next time less eventful.