Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day weekend

So we had a great weekend. My in laws came to visit on Thursday night, and stayed through Fathers Day. It was kind of a busy weekend for us, so I felt bad, but they were flexible and went along with it. Saturday Shawn played dodge ball at the community center. It was awesome. I was totally picturing the elementary game where everyone chucks the ball at the other team to get the players out. And that's what this was, only with more structured rules. It was hilarious. Shawn had a blast inflicting pain on other people ...whats not to love, right? The perfect game. (I will post pictures later!)
Father's Day Ethan made Shawn and Papa Terry breakfast in bed, (toast, yummo. I don't think it even had butter on it, its the thought that counts)! Then I woke up and made a big breakfast. They opened up presents which of course were Wii games, all around. My in laws are into the Wii, they have all the fun games, which solidifies their place in being the cool grandparents. So then they had to try them out! It was fun to have them here, we always have a great time. Thanks for coming guys!

1 comment:

nikki said...

So bummed we had to miss dodgeball this year! Patrick played all 3 years before. Glad to hear Shawn helped defend the undefeated title!!

Happy Father's Day, Shawn!