Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I pulled Payson into the water he wasn't to sure about it at first, but then he started to splash around!
Sierra was a little fish swimming around, she thought very seriously about trying the wake board (or skis), maybe next time we'll talk her Dad into coming and then she'll try it out!
Aspen was as happy as a clam just watching everyone, she did venture into the water, but she stayed close to the swim step.
Shawn has started the Monday night tradition of wake boarding. Last summer we called it FHE, but this year I work on Monday's so I don't get to go. Now he takes the boys, Ethan loves wake boarding, last time he started skiing too, and usually Chalon and his kids, and James has been going too. But this week since my wonderful sister has my kids, and the girls were spending the night Tuesday I talked Shawn into taking us all last night. The girls were so excited to get to go out on the boat, they were a little nervous about seeing catfish, and sharks, I reassured them that I've never seen anything lurking in the water. So they decided to take my word on in it and they both took the plunge into the water. We had such a great time splashing around, even Payson liked the water (after he got used to it). We will definitely do it again soon. Maybe today...who knows we are wild and crazy like that!
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nikki said...

Wow - it looks like a fun and beautiful evening! Do you know what it would be like to have 5 kids now? :)

Julee said...

HOW FUN!!!! What a good FHE!!! lol You're family is so cute and fun!! It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!!!

Lê Đăng Khoa said...

It very cool !