Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life: a chore or all fun

i was just wondering what you all think...about life?? I know your life is probably constantly busy with things to do, dishes to wash, dinner to be made, and such. So what I want to know is how do you all do it?? Its hard not to get all caught up in the I need to do everything, be everywhere, and have it all be perfect. But really its impossible to do everything, and be everywhere, and have everything perfect. So how do you accept that. Sometimes I try to relax and not do as much, but then I loose motivation to do anything. How do you find that balance, of being productive, but not caught up in trying to do everything? I am constantly reminded of how quickly life moves by, but come on that doesn't mean that I can forget about laundry and washing the floors and just play with the kids all day. Hello, I have responsibilities.
I've been trying to be more mellow lately. Clean less often, and play more with the kids. Like these last couple of weeks, its been so crazy, with people coming and going, and working more hours, if I didn't constantly remind myself to just breathe in and out, I would probably pass out. I don't want to be uptight, but I its important to me to have an organized home. -It takes a ton of work and it feels like its a lost cause. I walk around all day thinking (chanting, is more like it) it's all okay. -Hey don't laugh it works. I listen to more relaxing music, my fav CD right now is Once, its the BEST. It puts me in a mellow mood. I've found that things go more smoothly when my mood is more even. Highs are good, but they don't last forever, and then it can be exhausting. So I try to just put a smile on my face, and be light hearted. You know what I mean. Just enjoy life for the ride that it is. Any suggestions on how you make life slow down, but still get all that stuff (crap) done??


Unknown said...

A brilliant person once told me that life will never slow down. For me I need to make the kids pitch in more. I was thinking that all 5 of your kids could help out. We are moms, not maids. Xander is going to start helping with cleaning the bathrooms this week. Thank heavens for Clorox bleach wipes- could you imagine him with cleanser!?! My goal is to learn how the families of 10+ live. Do you remember the movie Yours, Mine and Ours? the old one with Lucille Ball. All of them help from the moment they pop out. If those moms can do it with a gazillion kids, I surely can do it with my rowdy 3.

amb said...

what a delightful post, ash! yeah, i'm constantly harangued by the need to do more, be better, blah blah blah, and it just isn't worth it. true, doing worthwhile things totally makes me feel better and actually propels me to do more things, but at the same time, it's nice to relax once in awhile. i know what you mean about the balance, thing, though. so so hard! when you have it figured out, please let me know!
by the way, thanks again for a WONDERFUL weekend! we all had so much fun! you sure are a great hostess and a fabulous sister! i love you all!

Cara said...

Unfortunately, Cara does most of it. And I feel your frustration. I see it in her all the time.

It is a tough thing to balance all of the things at once. Your house was in great condition when we were there. It is hard to keep the house in order when it is full of kids, and guests.

Just lower the expectation level a little bit. No need to get all Martha Stewart on us. That would be bad.

Burk Family said...

Yay, you seriously put all those mommy struggling emotions into words. Elder Bednar was often asked up at BYUI how to find balance. His answer was, you don't. You will most likely never have balance and perfectness. You just kepe trying and doing the best you can! But I feel ya. I've told Carter about 15 times today that I would play fight with him. Do you think I actually have? No. Did I yesterday? Nope. So I'm gonna make a goal of that today. The thing that has helped me is not freaking out about the house being a wreck during the day and just working on it after I've put the kids to bed. Then the next morning I wake up and the house is beautiful. Only to have the cycle start over again. But you should look up a book on amazon or something about being an efficient house wife and let me know!