Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dirt and celebrity citings

We have been in our house for three months and it is time to get started on our landscaping. The HOA gives three months for the front yard, and six months for the backyard. Our name is already on their black list so we need to get started before the fines start to pile up. Shawn was out starting on the path when one of the landscapers was driving by. He stopped because apparantly he thought Shawn was doing it wrong. So long story short we are going to let this guy do our front yard, maybe our backyard if he's lucky (which he must get lucky all the time...he has 9 kids, his poor wife).
I am not sure if you can tell by the painted lines in the dirt that we are going to have a path come down from the walkway, which will be stepped, and in pavers, with a pillar on either side with a pot on top with flowers. Then in front of the two windows we will have a half circle raised planter, with a tree and flowers. And a river bed on the side. And another planter down in front of that. And another planter on the other side of the driveway, leaving room for the RV gate. And more pavers down either side of the driveway to make it wider. And blah blah blah. Any questions? Any suggestions? Does anyone have a favorite plant or flower? Speak now or forever hold your peace. The backyard is a whole other story, or blog. One thing at a time.
While I was at Moon Valley nursery scoping out the different possibilities, guess who else was there. You'd never guess. It was Alice Cooper. I am not sure what I found more surprising, running into him, or that he picks out his own trees. Wierd. He was talking to the guy about havalinas. He looked very nice, he was wearing nice plaid pants and a white collared shirt, looked kind of "golfish" but he pulled it off. His wife looked at my kids in the double stroller and said that they had it easy to be pushed around. I said that in minute we were going to trade, and Hayden would push me around. She gave me a polite smile and walked off to find Cooper. I am such a dork.
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nikki said...

Haven't you heard that Alice Cooper is a big time golfer! I'm surprised you didn't know that :) that you had a little celebrity siting.

Glad you guys approved of my playlist. Sometimes I think I should keep my mouth shut more because I think I offend people when I say I don't like their country music. But I'm glad you liked mine.

All the stuff on your reference were true! I'm glad you got it!! SO awesome!

nikki said...

BTW - your yard's gonna look good!

Burk Family said...

Ooh, how exciting! I love random celebrity citings. One time Spence and I caught a glimpse of "wee man", the midget from Jack@%* at In N Out in Las Vegas. I don't think I would have recognized Alice Cooper. Was he all decked out in his nasty makeup?
Sounds like the landscaping will look awesome. I'm sure Sean would have done a great job, too. Ptthhhh...jk.
My haircut is growing on me but I put it in a ponytail today and it's so little. I was loving the long ponytail that I could braid (what kind of dork wears a braid anymore?) becuase I never got to when I was a little girl. My mom always got my hair cut short. So I'm having to make up for all the ridiculous hairdo's I missed as a child.

nikki said...

Hey - I was just looking back at some posts that I did a while back and I found a comment from you that I had never seen. You commented on the Watson Lake pics. We have been to Slide Rock a couple of times and it is really pretty and fun. We would love to go with you guys sometime. I would also love to go to the play place in Mesa I was telling you about - should we wait until the big boys are out of school though? They are the ones that would have the most fun, even though it's fun for the little ones too. But we could go on a Tues or Thurs too since Dylan doesn't have school those days. Btw, um, we go out to eat really a lot too. I love food!

Julee said...

lol That is so funny about running into Alice Cooper and his wife! I'm sure I would have said the nerdiest thing of all!!! lol
By the way your yard is going to look beautiful I already know!! I can't wait to see it all done!!!