Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Race

 the culprit, and me posing before the big race. You can tell by the big smiles... We don't know yet what we are getting ourselves into!
 My fan club... Shawn, Libby, Hayden, Ethan is at home sicker then a dog, Terry, Candy, and Noah...thanks for coming guys...xoxo
 hurry, fast! change. Shawn was urging me on.
Oh there are so many titles I had for this post: Killing myself, Peer pressure, A Triathlon, Hard work, Why. All of these titles could have been very appropriate. Back in August, my bestie, Shannyn, suggested that I do a triathlon with her. If I had only known then how hard it was going to be I might have have answered differently. No I am just kidding it was totally worth it, and I would even try it again. Shannyn and I worked out several times a week. We met at the gym at either the crack of dawn or after we got our kids in bed. We would swim or run or bike. Honestly it was actually more talking, laughing, and having fun, with a little bit of working out mixed in there somewhere (maybe that is why I am so tired and sore now!) The actual race was fun, really REALLY hard though. I am not one that usually works out. My idea of exercise is walking Libby to the park. I've never enjoyed running. But from the beginning I set my mind that I was going to do it, and I was totally committed. And you know I am proud of myself. And surprise, surprise I love working out. Some days I was even obsessed with it, and would work out in the morning and night. I feel like I am in good (better) shape now, and I know Shawn has enjoyed that! Shawn was super supportive of me working out every night, and never complained once, like I would have (he's so much nicer then me!). He was a great cheerleader today, and he made me feel so good about my accomplishment.

Did I mention yet that it was freezing? As in so so SO cold. My goosebumps had goosebumps. It took at least an hour to thaw out afterwards.

A few of my tri bloopers were diving into the pool and remembering that we are not supposed to dive in, so mid dive I belly flopped, yup a great start. Then on my last swim lap I forgot to move over to the next lane and started swimming head on to two swimmers. Yikes, that was embarrassing. Sorry ladies. And then my last one was that my rubber band broke when I started running, so my whole run I had wild hair flapping in the wind, so annoying. And it wasn't beautiful sexy hair in the wind, no it was chlorine, helmet dried hair, not my best look.


shannyn said...

so glad we did this together. i would have given up a long time ago if i didn't have you as my training partner. and by the way that picture of me is TERRIBLE!! oh well.

JaMie HeApS said...

ash im so proud of you and shannyn!! there is something to acompishing hard things, it makes us realize we can do more then we ever imagined! oh and the blupers were my fav part, i bet your helmet hair was foxy:)

Lynnette said...

Good for you and Shannyn! I am impressed. I'm with you on hating to run. Maybe I should try this sometime so I can learn to like it. Congrats!