Saturday, September 10, 2011

Poor kitty

This morning after I let Libby go outside with the boys to play, while they were doing one of their Saturday morning chores, I caught Ethan teaching Libby how to properly hold the kitty, poor Scampi! Usually Libby will just follow the cat around and try to pet it. But this is opening up a whole new can of worms. How long before the cat decides she doesn't like this new game of hers and retaliates? Oh not long, I am sure. But luckily this cat is very patient, she is used to playing house, and being manhandled!
This weekend I am trying to finish up a book wreath that I started forever ago, I hate projects hanging over my head. I need to finish this one before I can start the next several that I have planned. Oh well!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your wearth is AMAZING!!!