Thursday, June 4, 2009

A picasso party

Thursday's we have a little special party where we have a treat and do a special craft. For our Picasso party we had chicken fries with three kinds of dip arranged on a plate that looks like a painters palette. The kids painted their own master piece to hang. And we made these cool lollipops. You just crush up hard candies (we used jolly ranchers) and arrange on a cookie sheet lined with foil and cook at 350 for about 5 minutes, or until the candies melt. Then while candies are still piping hot you insert a lollipop stick twisting it in the candy so the top is fully covered. Did that make sense? Then let cool. They turned out really neat, dontcha think?
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RyanJohnsonFamily said...

So Fun and Creative! So I have to know where you get all of your cute ideas...or do you just come up with them? I also want to know your fun I can get inspired for the summer. So Mondays is cooking?...Thursdays a party and craft...? Such a great mom! Thanks for sharing...I need all the help I can get.

Lynnette said...

You are the coolest mom ever! I love all of your fun summer ideas. I can't wait to hear more of them at Enrichment next week!! I need to take some pointers from you.

Sarah said...

I love your schedule! I'm taking notes...maybe we can get together and have a craft or cooking day :)

nikki said...

You're so good - I am way bummed that I am going to miss your Enrichment class. Can you make a schedule for me too?

Melissa Coonce, CEO said...

Don't you just love summer when you get to decide the order of things.its so fun watching your kids grow up even when we live so far. i am going to steal your lollipop idea even though i am totally against kids aren't. PS. i do a similar thing with cooking. i assign each week day to one of the kids as chef or chef helper,they pick the menu and then help cook or cook all by themselves. steven is getting pretty capable in the kitchen. i didn't want to raise one of those men whose mom did everything for them. you are making such good memories for your kids. you rock!