Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Great to be Eight

Our ward had our great to be eight night, which is a preview for all the kids who are turning 8 this year. In our church when you turn 8 you get to be baptized, as well as start attending scouts for boys, and activity days for the girls. So its kind of a big exciting year for these little ones. In our ward we have 23 kids turning 8, which is a ton of kids, but its so fun to have a big group. They were all excited together. I put together these invitations, bows for the girls, and "extra" favors/handouts. Its such a fun night to be a part of. We played a "Getting to know 8" game, where all the kids got to answer questions about turning 8. The bishop ric counselor talked about baptism and showed the kids the font. We had the 2 CTR 7 classes sing a special song for their families. And we ended the night with cake and punch. So special!


Cortney Clegg said...

What a great idea! I might have to suggest something like that for our ward...

Unknown said...

I GASPED when I read the no of kids turning 8!